Putting the Buddhism/Science Dialogue on a New Footing: Nature’s Way

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Janice Poss, Graduate Student, Claremont Graduate University
How does Buddhism ‘go-green? St. Hildegard’s term ‘veriditas’, ‘greening’, can be applied to a tripartite interdisciplinary, interreligious dialogue between Science’s quantifiable data, Buddhist eco-Dharma and Catholic Stewardship as a partnership that examines science’s technological ability to conserve and preserve resources, Buddhism’s application of interconnected, interdependence with the earth and all sentient beings, and Catholicism’s responsible stewarding of our planet.
How do they come together to build responsible awareness to our planet and to each other across disciplines and faith traditions? I believe, all three inform us in different ways, but together can begin to improve programs building sustainability into humanity’s habits for a world to achieve better integration of science’s ability to quantify with Buddhism’s ability to level hurtful hierarchies within our compassionate Buddha nature and Catholicism’s ability to sense our dependence on God as the Creator of all things, seeing God in everything.