First schooled in art at Chicago’s Art Institute and after a long stretch as a lapsed Catholic, I returned through Buddhism to my root faith and began ministering at my parish where I now teach the Bible, sing in the choir and, recently began instructing on the Interreligious Vatican II document, Nostra Aetate. I have come to academia late, after working in fashion for over 30 years; however, ongoing education has always been of utmost significance in my life. In the last ten years, I have completed a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Theology and am completing a Ph.D. in Women’s studies and Religion at Claremont Graduate University. I am a member of the Hindu/Catholic Dialogue in LA/LMU, Women’s Caucus and Buddhist Christian studies at AAR. I write about social justice issues for the blog, feminism and religion, and have worked full-time at the Getty Museum for the last fifteen years.

Janice Poss
Graduate Student