Andrew Dreitcer, PhD, is Associate Professor of Spirituality, Co-Director of the Center for Engaged Compassion, Claremont School of Theology. He has directed a seminary program in spiritual direction, and served 15 years as a Presbyterian pastor. Studies with Henri Nouwen and a year spent at the monastic community of Taizé significantly shaped his own spiritual life. Andy’s current interests include exploring contemplative practices across religious traditions, neuroscientific understandings of contemplative practice, and the ways contemplative practices form lives of “engaged compassion”. He has co-led workshops on compassion, healing, and reconciliation for pastors, tribal chiefs, and government officials in Zimbabwe, and for church and political leaders in the United States and the UK. The father of two daughters, he lives with his wife in Oakland, CA. His studies include work at Wabash College, Oxford, Yale, and GTU/Berkeley. Andy’s latest book, Living Compassion – Loving Like Jesus, will be available in 2017.

Andrew Dreitcer
Institute Faculty